Sist sett 1 dag


  • 5.0
3 vurderinger

Her er jeg

Registrert 06.05.2023
Sist innlogget 25.07.2024
Oppdrag søkt 24
Oppdrag fått 5
Hjelper ID #48887

Om meg

I am an italian and this is my second year in Norway. I grew up in the coutry site in Italy and worked a lot since I was a kid with my family both with building, animals and gardening.

I have experience whith gardening , cutting trees ,chainsaw, tractors and farming tools in general, building walls with stone. I have done cement constructions, laying tiles , gleting , I am very good at. I have also been building whith clay , building wooden hovens and have basic knowlege of painting and carpentery.
I am quite hard working, honest and efficient.
My main interests are sailing , fishing , hunting and lots of sport. I live on a boat .

Andre har sagt om meg:

Ønsket timebetaling

kr. 250.-

Liker du profilen min? Inviter meg til et oppdrag så snakkes vi i chatten.


Jeg kan hjelpe med:

  • Husarbeid
  • Matlaging
  • Utendørs
  • Fasadevask
  • Planter & hage
  • Grave & bære
  • Håndverker
  • Tapet & maling
  • Mur & flis
  • Personlig
  • Barnepass
  • Trening & aktivitet
  • Event
  • Catering
  • Ryddehjelp
  • Bemanning
  • Sommerjobb
  • Vikar
  • Fast stilling
  • Sesongarbeider
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